Three blasts in Mumbai this evening, terror strikes again!
The pain of the mumbai terror blasts has not even subsided yet and we already have 3 more bomb blasts in Mumbai about half-n-hour ago. Shows how easily we forget and move on. Shows how we cannot ever learn from our mistakes.
As mentioned in the early reports about 100 people have been injured and there is no surety on the death toll. The explosion rocked Mumbai on July 13th 2011, Wednesday t the Dadar, Opera House and Zaveri Bazaar areas in Mumbai. Two of the blasts were in south Mumbai, and one was in central Mumbai.
First explosion happened in south Mumbai’s Zaveri Bazaar, near the famous Mumbadevi temple. While the 2nd explosion has been reported in a taxi in Dadar area.
News channels are already pointing fingers at several parties, but what do you think about it.
Is it another terrorist attack? Will this mark the start of another series of bomb blasts across the country?
Is it a political setup to take heat away from the several scandals reported recently?
Or do you have an explanation of your own?
The Bigger Question here is – Are we ever going to LEARN??
Please Voice Your Opinion below! I will update this space with more details as they are available.
I am horrified and disgusted at the same time. What about you?
First explosion happened at Zaveri Bazaar at 6:45pm followed by another just after a minute at Opera House which is close by. This was followed by the third blast at 7.06pm outside Kabutarkhana, a few metres from the western side of Dadar railway station. Zaveri bazaar has suffered 2 such terror attacks earlier as well.
Latest reports suggest that the death toll is at 21 and about 141 injured.
Some related articles:
Times of India | Economic Times
This is a direct attack on every Indian. All terrorists should be caught and hanged… Hang Azmal!!!
This is really sad. I do not understand why do these blasts happen. What is the fun in taking lives like this!!! :'(
frankly i dont have an opinion to it. the fact is that our lives have become so cheap that every second day something crops up and roots it off…and all v do it sit and watch, d other powerful people make a few speeches..some money is circulated..and thats it! its forgotten to give way to something new :/
@Neha – I share the same emotions as you do.
@Sarah – It really makes no sense and you rightly said, having an opinion will not really solve anything. We will simply forget it and start living lives like nothing happened. Above that we will call it our spirit and feel proud about it! Shameful…really….and all these Netas have always been useless…so their reactions are not at all surprising!