
The most anticipated ultrabooks of 2012

Many industry experts see Ultrabooks as the future of laptops. The term was introduced by Intel to

describe this new generation of laptops that mimic the light, ultra-slim design and construction of the
iPad but use a traditional keyboard rather than a touchscreen, which many users prefer.

Their sheer convenience is probably the most attractive selling point, as they blur the line between
tablets and laptops by offering a device that is light, slim and fast. A wafer-thin width of just 7mm is
not uncommon, making for easy storage and portability.

There are a number of excellent makes on the market now, and the relatively high price tag (when
compared with laptops) looks set to come down dramatically in the coming months. Crazy Coupons
can be used to offset the cost. Already the mobile sector is getting hotter with launch of new windows phones, then why should the other sections stay behind. Checkout the ubercool ultrabooks available in the market these days.

Dell XPS 13


This is Dell’s first genuine ultrabook, although it has launched slimline laptops in previous years. It has
a size-zero profile and aluminum chassis, and can handle the most demanding of processing tasks
thanks to its 2637M quad-core Intel Core i7 CPU.

HP Folio 13


The HP Folio 13 has a good range of ports, from the memory card slot to its Ethernet port. It weighs
in at a few ounces more than its main competitors, which is popular with some users who don’t want
their device to be too light. Instead of a spinning hard drive with booster that makes many ultrabooks
just seem like solid-state, this one has a true solid-state drive and has an Intel Core i3 CPU. It also
sports an attractive and practical flex-prone keyboard and screen.

Toshiba Portege Z835-P330


This is one of the most durable and lightest ultrabooks on the market, and comes with an unusually
attractive price tag. It has extras such as full-sized HDMI, WiDi 2.0 and USB 3.0, as well as a full
feature set and an exceptionally long battery life when compared with the competition.

Asus Zenbook UX31-RSL 8


Asus offers an ultrabook that has better performance overall than the close competition, with a
crystal-clear display, excellent sound and a solid body construction. The Intel Core i5 CPU is
extremely low-voltage and very efficient, and the sturdy, slim monoshell construction makes this a
long-lasting product that is capable of withstanding a few accidental knocks. Connectivity features
include USB-to-Ethernet dongles, allowing connections to be expanded as and when required, and a
mini VGA-to-VGA.

Lenovo IdeaPad U300s


This is a well-engineered machine, as you would expect from Lenovo, with a sturdy yet lightweight
frame making it truly durable; you can expect long use from it in the most inhospitable environments.
It has an excellent keyboard and WiDi. The 256GB solid-state drive beats its competitors’ 128GB
drives hands-down and its book-shape, rather than usual ultrabook wedge-shape, is an attractive
feature that makes it stand out in a crowded market, as it feels rock-solid rather than too wafer-thin.
It also has a functional buttonless touchpad that is very easy and convenient to operate, as well as a
13.3-inch glossy screen with exceptionally clear display.

Piyush Agarwal
Piyush Agarwal is a part-time freelance webdesigner who loves to play with design and the web around. You can check out his designs on Technix Designs. He is also into Theatre and Photography.

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