
Block Google Buzz Updates from Inbox : eWebBuddy Tricks

From the moment Google Buzz was launched, it has created quite a BUZZ.. Have you jumped the bandwagon yet? To me it seemed initial stages of how wave will be integrated with GMail. And frankly I wasn’t much impressed but that could be just me. What did you think about Google Buzz?

Well, coming back to the agenda of this post…if you have been using buzz and connecting to several of your friends one thing that must have irritated you are the Google Buzz Updates that you receive in your Inbox. Well if you have been looking for a work-around, here’s a trick that will come handy.

Block Google Buzz Updates From Inbox Trick

  1. Login to your gmail account and goto Settings(top-right corner)
  2. Click on the tab “Filters” and then “Create a new Filter”
  3. By default Google Buzz is associated with “label:buzz”, so simply in the ‘Has the words:’ textbox enter “label:buzz”.
  4. Click on “Next Steps”. You may get a popup, click OK.
  5. Then check/select the option “Skip the Inbox” and click “Create Filter”

That’s all, from the moment you do this, you will stop getting Google Buzz updates in your Inbox and this way it will be un-cluttered.

Turn off Buzz / Stop Using Buzz

You can also stop using buzz totally with the help of a small link at the footer/bottom of your gmail account. It says, “Turn off Buzz”. Get rid of Buzz totally! 😛

Hope this post was helpful, do leave a comment on what you think. That would mean a lot to me. Also, popularize this post by tweeting it, or sharing on facebook or stumbling or whatever you like.

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Piyush Agarwal
Piyush Agarwal is a part-time freelance webdesigner who loves to play with design and the web around. You can check out his designs on Technix Designs. He is also into Theatre and Photography.

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