eWebBuddy was launched on 1st December’2008 in a star-studded event. 🙂 Its been almost 3 years and people who have been around the site long enough must have noticed the infrequent posts and minor tweaks in the design. Where I did try to add features and test various options all these years, I did not do any major design changes. And to be quite frank, the main reason behind this is that I never took tech blogging very seriously.
When I started this blog, the only motive was to post helpful blogs about tech stuff with the focus on a non-technical user. I figured that there were already a lot of blogs around which focused on providing excellent posts on various technical topics but most of them were written in a way that a lay-man will face trouble in understanding. If you go through any of the previous blog posts, you will notice that the language has been kept simple and friendly. I have always tried to avoid jargons.
But moving from that and coming to the main agenda of the blog post. After almost 3 years, I am not all charged up to take this blog to new highs. No more infrequent posts and more number of tutorials rather than just information. Since yesterday, the design of the blog has completely been revamped making it cleaner, better readability and content discovery.
Though more tweaks are still in progress, I have overall tried to improve the experience keep the earlier feel intact. The homepage still has thumbnail-based post previews and most of the sidebar elements are still there but arranged better. The comments also follow nested replies to encourage conversations.
Since you are the one who would be using the website in the coming days. Any suggestions from your end are welcome. I am planning to restructure the post categories but that will take a while.
And here’s the old design for comparison.