Hello, welcome to eWebBuddy.com. Do you have a great website or a good product or a helpful service? But what’s the use of it without being noticed by others. For the success of anything good, it is required that it reaches people. And that is where eWebBuddy comes to help…
eWebBuddy has been growing at a good pace lately and so it has started accepting paid reviews.
What is a Review?
A Review is NOT like an advertisement for you and your service. It is more of an analysis of what you are providing to the people. If it’s really good and worth it, you deserve to reach to a wider audience.
What is a Paid Review?
A paid review means that, an individual is paying eWebBuddy to review their product, service or website on our blog. There are millions of online products launched everyday and its really tough to get the visibility and search engine rating. A review will not only give you traffic but will also provide you with legitimate backlinks.
So will eWebBuddy post reviews in the way one desires?
A paid review does NOT mean that your product will be reviewed in the way you desire, as mentioned above its not an advertisement. eWebBuddy will analyse the product and post an honest review. If you are confident in your product, then there is nothing to loose. eWebBuddy will surely keep the post keyword rich, to ensure you get targeted traffic but will not post something thats incorrect.
Why should you get your service reviewed?
- To get targeted search engine traffic
- Increase visibility of your product
- Improve search engine rankings
- Get backlinks
- Get your service analyzed to let people know what you actually offer. It will also help you understand how good is your service.
Sample Review?
To understand how detailed and well reviewed eWebBuddy reviews are, you can check-out
Note – All the reviews mentioned above are non-paid.
How to apply for a product review?
You can either use the contact page or drop a mail directly to [email protected]. Please do mention your product/service name and URL. Also, eWebBuddy does not accept reviews of products related based on racism, drugs or obscenity.
Cost Involved?
For quality content to help grab more eyeballs, with targeted keywords and great backlinks – Cost shouldn’t matter at all. But that does not mean it will be touching the sky. To discuss the price, please drop me a note. Paypal transfer is accepted. Indians can also make a direct bank transfer.
We have launched our new brand of products in Mobile screen protectors and compatible toners. We would like to get these products reviewed.
Please let me know the process and cost to get reviews.
How do I write a Blog introducing a new to social networking site?
I am thinking about becoming a ‘ProBlogger”. I know Blogging is a very slow business, but still i want to know how much time will it take me to start earning at least $100.. I can work everyday for approximately 11 hrs. Can i expect start earning $100 within two months.. Please folks help, give me some idea on how much hard work it’s going to be..
Work smart… and it indeed is achievable. But I would recommend you to set goals that will help you drive your actions. An income goal is too broad. Create goals based on your interests, areas of focus and what really drives you to blog. That will keep you going.