NEWS Tools & Apps

Get all your Social Activity updates in one place

The posts on eWebBuddy are a little infrequent lately but its anyday better than haing no posts at all, what say. But the main reason for this infrequency is in between my hectic schedule, day job, freelance work, churning out quality content becomes a little tough. But worry not, I will always be on the lookout for something great and useful for all my buddies out there.
So what do I have this time? All of us are a big fan of the social networks and are completely hooked thanks to different services. I know many of you are tweeting as you read this. πŸ™‚ But its becoming quite an hassle managing all the different social accounts and here’s where ‘Social Media Aggregators’ come in picture.

What are Social Media Aggregators?

According to wikipedia, an Aggregator is

Aggregators reduce the time and effort needed to regularly check websites for updates, creating a unique information space or “personal newspaper.”

In simple words, an aggregator is a tool or a services which groups several of your interests, subscriptions, services together and makes them available to you in one single place. For all those who were not aware, feed readers like google reader or bloglines are Feed Aggregators.

Moving further, ‘Social Media Aggregators’ (SMA) are meant to help you by grouping all your social medias in one single place. By social medias I mean twitter, facwebook, etc…

How they work?

Well, when you subscribe or register or start using a SMA, you will provide it information of all the social networks you want to follow. By information, I mean it could be something as simple as a RSS feed or your login information to various sites. If you are thinking of security, do not worry there are many trust worthy SMAs around.

Once you are registered, you need to login to just one place and get all the updates and happenings in your network. Multiple browser windows and logins will become history.

Some SMAs you can use?

Here are 3 Social Media Aggregators that have gained quite a lot of popularity, are very different from each other and very useful in everyway:

  1. Streamy – This is a website which lets you add not just your social networking sites but also your daily blogs, instant messaging tools and a lot more. Log in to just this one site and stay hooked to all your networks.What makes streamy different from other 2 is that it keeps all your social networks arranged in different tabs and does not merge them into one, single feed.
  2. streamystatusupdate_original
  3. Flock – This unlike others which are online tools is actually a desktop application, which can be downloaded from here. Flock is a browser like firefox which is better known as a social networking browser and comes integrated with SMAs. A must checkout with several features.
  4. flock
    Flock Browser
  5. Friendfeed – If you are a fan of Twitter like interface, then this service is for you. Get all the updates from all the services in one place as part of a stream. Others can follow your soical activities by just following your feed and you can do the same for others.


So, that was SMAs in simple and I hope this will make your life easier. Do tell me about more such aggregators if you know of. Will update the list. πŸ™‚ This post was a result of a similar post I saw on PCWorld, courtesy of also a couple of pics. The social media image credit goesΒ  to blackglass.

Also, stay on the lookout, we have eWebBuddy’s first ever contest coming up which will give you a chance to win a little something….something!

Piyush Agarwal
Piyush Agarwal is a part-time freelance webdesigner who loves to play with design and the web around. You can check out his designs on Technix Designs. He is also into Theatre and Photography.

9 Replies to “Get all your Social Activity updates in one place

  1. Hi…
    Nice… nice for 2 things…
    one ofcourse the content and the info u just splashed all over the blog..and tho havnt tried, but am dead sure – it wil b gud.. in fact to b honest, i am just nt the sort of techi person n i never get down to try n e of these eheh.. but yes, it seems am getting there and putting step by step and bringing up pointers to each of these above – certainly feels tempting – n worth a try..coool stuff.
    Yeah, secodnly – gud to knw hw u r aware of not being able to write more often.. and u call it out n acknowldge the same…am sure, genuine folks wil stand with u in these delays ..aye!
    enzoi…and keep writing in…
    Lov n luck..

    1. @Smriti – Glad you liked the content. The info in the post should be very helpful to you as you are so always hooked to facebook, IMs, et al…try, that should make your online life fun and easy for sure..
      You can have all your facebook updates, chats and blog feeds in one single place, that too all arranged separately. So do give it a try…
      And you dont need to be a techie to try all these.. πŸ™‚

  2. hahahah surely Piyushh..
    thnks ..
    i know my capability of being hooked to Fcbook heheh,,dont remind me!!

    al the best

  3. Heylo,, am back again,,
    was just wondering,, how does using streamy differ so much from just using facebook all alone.. as in once u have some scribble, update on ur facebook – one n e ways gets a mail…
    so how does streamy or n e of these SMAs help??

    thora explainnn..

    Danke πŸ˜‰

    1. @Smriti – Since you stick to mainly Facebook, you are posing this question but for others who are hooked to various social networks like facebook, hi5, orkut, myspace, ning, etc along with other services like twitter, plurk, its not easy and recommended to get updates on email. Atleast I get very irritated at times when I receive mails for every single thing done in facebook, get a feeling that my inbox is getting cluttered. But having registered with such services, I do not need to worry about that. Also, when registered on various social networking sites, its not easy to follow all of them. You will have to log in to each separately and monitor, instead wouldn’t it be good idea to have all in one place. πŸ™‚
      There are more benefits which may differ from person to person, give the service and explore the possibilities yourselves.

    1. hi rohit….

      what exactly do you mean by limit on sms channel? Do you mean limit on creating sms channels? If yes, then my answer is no there is no limit… But it makes sense to have and promote only 1 sms channel for an individual topic. Use it for better reach to people and the convenience.. Do let me know if that doesn’t answer your query…

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