Change and evolution is part of life and nothing can justify that more appropriately than google! Google launched its new logo today just a few weeks down after the launch of its parent company – Alphabet. Is it worth the effort? Let’s find out.
Google via its blog announced earlier today that it is going through a major facelift. The familiar Google logo and various icons are going through a major facelift due to increasing need of a minimalistic approach and the need for the identity to be working against multiple devices!

As per the post, when the last logo update came around that was mostly intended for the desktop site. At that point, mobile and tablet devices were not this popular and the logo worked well. Over time we have come to love the Google logo design but the team is looking at evolving ecospace of device sizes (remember Apple Watch?) and want to ensure that the identity works well across all devices.

What’s changed?
Well the familiar Google colors remain entact. Infact they are the foundation of this logo update. The font changes from Serif to San-Serif for the compete logo making it a lot more flat! Apart from the logo typeface, the icons also get a spin! Gone is then small ‘g’ icon we have come to be familiar with and will be replaced with a capital ‘G’ icon with multiple colors.
Icons like microphones and waves also get a update on the similar lines. As per the blog, the team has tried to focus on a more approachable design which takes the best of Google – colorful, simple, uncluttered and friendly!

eWebBuddy Verdict
Well not that the verdict changes anything but still it matters because Google is a brand that has been touch my life since the day I started using Internet. It’s an important part of anyone online and you grow to know & love the way something looks. Infact I won’t be surprised if some people are extremely disturbed with this update.
But frankly, you need to think about the design philosophy and approach here. Such a major overhaul cannot reach the end users without being judged, evaluated and measured across multiple meetings!
From a design update perspective, I think it’s a bold move and something that is expected from a company like google which is known to do the unthinkable.
I do like the new logo and think it’s quite clean & uncluttered. But I believe due to the long standing relationship with the old logo, this one will take a while to get used to. May not get the same kind of love as the earlier logo did. But then only time will tell!
What do you think of this logo update? Please share below in the comments section.
Also check out the video introducing the new Identify and evolution of Google. Its quite fascinating!