NEWS Tutorials

How to add Google +1 share button to your website or blog – Buddy Tuts

It’s been only a few hours since Google released its relatively new feature +1 (plus one) for the entire web. Where most people are calling it an answer to the Facebook LIKE button but whether Google will be able to beat Facebook in this war is a question we will leave it for the future.

As of now what matters most is how you can add a Google +1 button to your blog/website. And its pretty simple actually, you just need 2 lines of code. Yes, it does require you to dig into your website code and make some changes but its quite a straight forward job.

First paste the below code right before your closing body tag which looks like </body>

<!– Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag –>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>

After this is done all you have to do is paste the below code wherever you would like the +1 button to be displayed.

<!– Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render –>
<g:plusone size=”small”></g:plusone>

That’s it. You are done. Now this will help you generate a lot of new traffic and help promoting your website better. Though the best way is still the hard way but this will surely add a little to your daily traffic quota.

There are 4 different sizes of buttons that you can use. You can create the same by clicking on this link. Google has already integrated +1 in its host of servcies like YouTube, Reader, Search, Profile, etc. Sites like Mashable, RottenTomatoes, Bloomberg have already integrated the button as well.

To know more and read further about this new feature – check this out.

Piyush Agarwal
Piyush Agarwal is a part-time freelance webdesigner who loves to play with design and the web around. You can check out his designs on Technix Designs. He is also into Theatre and Photography.

4 Replies to “How to add Google +1 share button to your website or blog – Buddy Tuts

  1. I’m sorry I don’t know how to add this button on site. But I agree with you that google is best. google is the king of web world.

  2. Was looking for the article how to add Google +1 share button to your website or blog. Thanks for the post.

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