Translate your website in 51 languages with Google Translate

Hellooooo friends, now this is one good news for all the web developers out there like me. I have been waiting for something like this for a long time and finally google has made it. Google always ends up making lives so simple! 🙂

So what is it this time? Imagine you owning a website with information useful to everyone around the world. But how can you reach out to everyone when there are so many different languages all around. Neither can you hire a translator and create different versions of the website, that would be cumbersome and time taking. Here is where Google Translator come in picture.

What is Google Translator for website?

Its pretty simple and ingenious. Once you enable google translator on your website, if the user’s language is not as same as your website’s, they will get a bar on the top where they can select the language they want the website to be translated in. And then voila, google will translate the website there itself. So you will be able to widen your reach and userbase. How cool is that?!

How is it implemented?

Well Google Website Translator Gadget is powered by Google Translate, will enable your website to be translated into 51 languages. This is what the Google Blog says,

Now, when people visit your page, if their language (as determined by their browser settings) is different than the language of your page, they’ll be prompted to automatically translate the page into their own language. If the visitor’s language is the same as the language of your page, no translation banner will appear.

So try it out today, add the feature to your websites and go global. 🙂

Piyush Agarwal
Piyush Agarwal is a part-time freelance webdesigner who loves to play with design and the web around. You can check out his designs on Technix Designs. He is also into Theatre and Photography.

5 Replies to “Translate your website in 51 languages with Google Translate

  1. Very useful information. I will bookmark it and check it out more later. Thanks for the resource and keep up the good work

  2. thank you alot for this detailed post!.
    seriously, amazing post and thank you allot !!
    i look ahead to your next article !

  3. I have been a seo consultant for a long time… almost 3 and a half years but have never met a client who was 100% satisfied with my work. I mean it’s like they want it yesterday, cheap and on first page of the SERPS… on Google and Yahoo

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