Indian Internet News Tutorials

What is National DND Service and how to activate/deactivate it?

Starting tomorrow i.e. 27th September 2011, numbers registered under the Indian National Do Not Disturb (NDND) registry will not receive any more calls orĀ  SMS promotions/messages from any sort of telecommunications service. The primary objective is to curb Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC).

What is DND?

DND stands for Do Not Disturb and according to TRAI it will be applicable from 27th September in 2011. It will ensure that you do not receive any further communications from any kind of telecommunication service.

Tell me more

The primary objective is to curb UCC. According to TRAI’s website by UCC them mean

any message, through telecommunications service, which is transmitted for the purpose of informing about,or soliciting or promoting any commercial transaction in relation to goods, investments or services which a subscriber opts not to receive, but, does not include, —-

(i) any message (other than promotional message) relating to a service or financial transaction under a specific contract between the parties to such contract;or

(ii) any messages relating to charities, national campaigns or natural calamities transmitted on the directions of the Government or agencies authorized by it for the said purpose;

(iii) messages transmitted, on the directions of the Government or any authority or agency authorized by it, in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality.”

How to activate or deactivate the service?

To activate the service – SMS START DND to 1909

To de-activate the service – SMS STOP DND to 1909

How to check if your number is registered for NDND?

You can check online if you number is registered for NDND with the help of this link.

How to activate the service partially?

Well, if you have DND activated on your phone then you will not even receive communications from e-commerce companies like FlipKart, Indiaplaza about your shipments. To make sure you keep getting the messages, either you will have to deactivate DND or send the following message to activate partial DND.

Partial DND allows companies of a certain category to send SMS between 9am to 9pm. So suppose you want to receive SMS from companies like Flipkart then you will have to activate partial-DND for all “Consumer Goods” companies with help of following code:

SMS “START 5” to 1909

To know more about Partial DND Categories, click here.

Piyush Agarwal
Piyush Agarwal is a part-time freelance webdesigner who loves to play with design and the web around. You can check out his designs on Technix Designs. He is also into Theatre and Photography.

6 Replies to “What is National DND Service and how to activate/deactivate it?

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