Buddy Query

iPad or iFail? Is Apple iPad really worth the wait?

Okay, this post may come as a surprise to many of those apple devotees, but its something even they cannot deny completely. Since the iPad was unveiled by Steve Jobs, many have had mixed reviews about the product. We have read and seen what it is all about, how different iPad is or rather how cool it is! But is iPad really a success story?

There are so many short-comings to the iPad, following are a few to name:

  • No multi-tasking option. C’mon guys its the 21st Century!!
  • No support for Flash! Still trying to play the monopoly game??
  • No camera/webcam. Duh!!!
  • Like Kindle even this will have a Store and they will try to make it stuck to only special format pdfs. Monopoly game again..
  • Looks sleek but just a stretched version for iPhone. Do you really bank it to be innovative?
  • No hand-writing recognition or option to take print-outs!
  • And the worst reason, what is so great about iPad? Why so much hype, so much brouhaha..?? What have iPad come up with so good that people can’t stop talking about it..? I would say nothing! Here is an image I found on the net, creator unknown but it says it all:

Here are some posts on other blogs about why iPad is actually iFail:

A 16-year-old’s view of Apple’s iPad: iFail

Netizens dub the Apple iPad as ‘iFail’

So, what do you think??

Buy the tee above. Image source – here

Piyush Agarwal
Piyush Agarwal is a part-time freelance webdesigner who loves to play with design and the web around. You can check out his designs on Technix Designs. He is also into Theatre and Photography.

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