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Fund a socially engaged art work –

Art has many forms. Though in the mainstream, its more widely recognized in the form of movies, real art is different. For me real art is creativity that strives to bring about a change however small or big is out of question. There are many people and communities across that live and breathe art but sadly art does not bring in the required money for most so it stays as a passion instead of becoming their way of living life. While watching the recently popular music show on MTV, “Sound Trippin”, I was surprised at being introduced with people for whom music is biggest gift in their life. Where cultures and communities are defined and united by the art.

Art, whatsoever may be the kind, has the power to bring about major social change. There are very few people who are brave enough to use art to bring about awareness and change, sometimes even spark a revolution. While you as an individual might not be among those very few, you can definitely be a part of the process and help drive the change. Promoting and spreading the art project is one way but that comes at a very later stage. To make someone be able to continue with work of art striving to bring about a social changes, one needs money and that is something you can help with by contributing from your end. is such a platform which enables artists to share details of their projects and have people fund them. According to the website, is a fundraising platform for socially engaged arts projects.
This platform would helps raise funding for creative socially engaged projects in Art, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film, Architecture, Games, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology, and Drama.

Though platforms like KickStarter have become quite a rage in US and enabled people to fund various kinds of project, it wouldn’t be right for us to compare it with OrangeStreet. For one, the platform is currently based out of India where people are not very open to contributing to art in this manner and also the projects on OS are more socially aware and believe in bringing about change or spreading awareness. While on the other hand one can have even a pen-manufacturing unit funded on KickStarter.

So coming back to the platform, if you have a project in mind and would like to get funded on OS, its pretty direct. Fill up an online application form and if the team likes your idea they will put it up. They will also spread the word among their donor community to get people contribute towards your projects. While on the other hand, if you donate towards a project, not only are you helping the artists do something socially relevant but can also avail tax benefits towards it. And if you cannot donate, you can definitely promote the projects you like among your friends on social networking sites.

I came across the site while browsing through a friend’s project called Uramili (Song of Our People) which is about a musical journey across various parts of India. The film looks promising and inspiring, do check out the trailer below. If you like it, you can go ahead and fund it on OrangeStreet. Also discover many other projects, socially aware and very interesting.

Piyush Agarwal
Piyush Agarwal is a part-time freelance webdesigner who loves to play with design and the web around. You can check out his designs on Technix Designs. He is also into Theatre and Photography.

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